Mission and Outreach

The Diocese of Cascadia Companion Dioceses:

Yangon, Myanmar: Archbishop Stephen Than has had a long-standing relationship with Emmanuel Church, Seattle, and he has twice visited Cascadia. We sent our first delegation to Yangon in June 2012 and are planning for Adult and Youth Mission trips there. Cascadia is now accepting donations for the mission trips and the ministry in Yangon. To learn more about our recent mission to Myanmar in 2018, click here.

Recife, Brazil(Page is in Portuguese, select Language, English)  Grace by the Sea, Oak Harbor, and St. Charles Poulsbo were received by Recife’s Bishop Robinson Cavalcanti in 2004 and he has ordained a number of our Cascada clergy. Recife is renowned for its ministry amongst the urban poor and has doubled in size in just over two years. Cascadia sent a delegation down for the consecration of Bishop Miguel Uchoa and we will explore the possibility of Adult and Youth Mission trips in the future. Cascadia is now accepting donations for the ministry in Recife.

Local Opportunities

Mission Cascadia – the Church Planting arm of the Diocese Cascadia: We are blessed to have a new Nonprofit Board to inspire, guide, direct and protect church planters and new congregations. While the basic funding comes from part of your congregation’s tithe to the Diocese, there is so much more to do in this one of the most unchurched regions in the United States. Such additional donations to PAF will go directly to church planting efforts throughout the Diocese and you may designate your gift to go to an ongoing project.

The Bishop’s Discretionary Fund: Cascadia is thankful for the work of the Bishop in caring for his clergy and meetings the needs of our growing Diocese. We are pleased to receive donations to assist our Bishop in caring for our people and ministries.

Anglican Mission and Ministries:

Five Talents: This international Anglican ministry provides microenterprise loans and training to help people start their own businesses and be raised permanently out of poverty. Cavin Philbin, from St. Brendan’s, Bellingham, has served on the Five Talents board and served on the Myanmar, Philippines, and Africa mission trips.

The Church’s Ministry among Jewish People (CMJUSA): The Rev. Canon Daryl Fenton (of our ACNA) is the National Director of this outreach to the Jewish communities both domestically and internationally. CMJ is is a global family mobilizing diverse resources for bearing authentic, compassionate witness in Israel, the United States, England, South Africa, Australia, and Ireland.

The Anglican Relief and Development Fund works within the worldwide Anglican Communion to maximize life change in some of the most challenging parts of the world by mutually crossing cultural and economic boundaries; focusing on Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East; supporting holistic, community-based projects that incorporate evangelism; striving to use the highest quality project research and outcome evaluation available; and providing a spiritually-enriching, thoughtful and satisfying giving experience for our donors. Click here to find out more: https://ardf.org/

The American Anglican Council: North American Anglicanism is undergoing a realignment that affects every Anglican and Episcopalian today. The AAC is here to build up and defend Great Commission Anglican churches in North America and worldwide. We provide individuals, clergy, and congregations with the latest news from the Anglican world, assistance and counsel, leadership development programs, and resources to equip the local church. Canon Phil Ashey has come to Cascadia to provide clergy leadership workshops working collaboratively with Bishop Kevin Allen.

The Fellowship of Confessing Anglicans & GAFCON: is a fellowship of Anglican people and Provinces united in the communion (koinonia) of the one Spirit and committed to work and pray together in the common mission of Christ. The ACNA is a full member of this global Anglican fellowship which will sponsor the next Global Anglican Futures conference in May 2013. This GAFCON Conference and the Jerusalem Statement provide the best ongoing standards for faithful unity in the Anglican Communion. Click here for more information: http://fca.net/northamerica