Report on Mission to Myanmar
Representing the Diocese of Cascadia, Anne Ni and Justin Foltz visited our companion diocese of Yangon and the new missionary diocese of Pyay in Myanmar from September 13 to 23, 2018.
Video of Yangon Youth & Village Trip
Justin spoke at Yangon diocese youth leadership training on September 13 and 14. On September 15, Justin and Anne joined Yangon youth on a boat trip to Shwe-bon-su village where Justin spoke at one day youth gathering at St. Mary’s church in that village. Cascadia Women’s Union sent support to help with meals and travel expenses for Yangon youths in both Yangon and Shwe-bon-su village gatherings. Justin had a chance to fellowship and get to know Rev. Luke Tun Tun Win, head of Yangon youth department, Samuel Tun from Yangon Diocese communication department, and some youth leaders from Yangon Diocese. Justin’s meeting with them helps us understand their needs, struggles and challenges as we continue to build relationship and strengthen our partnership with them in the Kingdom of God.
On September 16, we attended early Eucharist at Holy Trinity Cathedral in Yangon, and then participated in the celebration of Holy Cross Day at Yangon Holy Cross Theological Seminary.
We took a trip up to Pyay on Monday, September 17, to visit the new missionary diocese of Pyay and to establish partnership in the Kingdom between Pyay and Holy Trinity Edmonds as envisioned by our Diocesan Bishop Kevin Allen. Bishop Clement Sun Oo and wife Ethel took us to a church plant in Kyee-bin-kan village where members of the plant built their own worship place. We also visited a hostel ministry at St. Paul’s Church in Kyar Inn village which provides room and board as well as transportation to and from school to 10 children from remote villages. Currently, Pyay has 10 established parishes and 5 plants.
Video of Missionary Diocese of Pyay
St. Mark’s congregation in Pyay has a pre-school ministry which attracts many non-believers. St. Mark’s also started a potato chips business which generates income to subsidize the expenses of the new diocese. The diocese is self-funded with majority of them are farmers. Bishop Sun Oo is exploring ways to help the farmers in his diocese produce better quality and quantity of crops. As the bishop in a rural Myanmar, he is not only responsible for the spiritual well-being of the people in his diocese, but also their social and economic well-beings. We presented a small gift from Holy Trinity Edmonds to the Missionary Diocese of Pyay and prayed together with the bishop and the diocesan staff.
We came back to Yangon from Pyay on Wednesday, September 19, and visited Amazing Grace Worship Center in outskirt of Yangon the next day. Amazing Grace provides free education to slum children who cannot afford to go to school. The ministry was founded by an individual and is now recognized as a ministry under the Diocese of Yangon. Many non-believers came to the Lord through this ministry. Justin and Anne participated in the evening worship at Amazing Grace and prayed for many children there as the Vicar Rev. Patrick Gabriel has requested.
On Friday, September 20 and Saturday, September 21, Anne Ni led the teaching on the Book of Ruth with Yangon Mother’s Union at Yangon diocesan office. A total of 52 attended on Friday and 58 on Saturday. Cascadia Women’s Union provides meals for this two days event as well as subsidizes transportation for the 14 women who had come from outside of Yangon. There were a Buddhist convert and a Hindu convert who identified themselves with Ruth and shared about their faith in Jesus Christ. One women from a Baptist Church couldn’t find someone she came to meet at the diocesan office and ended up at Ruth teaching. She thanked us for letting her join the teaching and called it a divine appointment.
We visited Archbishop Stephen Than the night before we came back on Saturday, September 22. The Archbishop and his wife had been in the US and came back two days before our departure.
We departed Yangon on Sunday, September 23 and arrived back to the US on September 24 early morning. We give thanks to our Lord for this successful and productive mission as well as for keeping us safe and healthy throughout the trip.
To Him be the glory, forever and ever! Amen.
Respectfully submitted,
Anne Ni and Justin Foltz
2018 Cascadia Mission Team