The Anglican Diocese of Cascadia

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Report from Secretariat of A4D | Members of the Secretariat

In today’s world, we are challenged to be Christians, not just on Sundays, but in all that we are and all that we do. As you try to maintain balance in this pluralistic world and as your faith is challenged, ask yourself…

  •  Do I want to improve my relationship with God?

  •  Do I want to expand my faith into more of my life’s daily activities?

  •  Do I want more confidence in sharing my faith?

  •  Do I ever wish for a Christian community to share and support my faith journey?’

If you answer "yes" to any of these questions, as some of you know, the Anglican 4th Day is both a movement and a method designed to enhance our life with Christ and support the mission of the Church through Christian action. The Anglican 4th Day movement can help you develop, live, and share your faith in today's society.

There are two steps in the process: a weekend event, which serves as an inspiration and launching pad for Christian living in our world. The weekend is followed by members gathering in regular meetings with Christian friends to share their lives with Christ in what is called their 4th Day. We invite you to consider participation in the 4th Day lifestyle, we guarantee it will change your life.

What’s on for 2022? 

As Covid-19 health issues seem to be resolving somewhat, we have scheduled dates for the Anglican 4th Day Weekend events for 2022. The dates for the Weekends are now: September 8-11, 2022 for Men and September 22-25, 2022 for Women. Both events will be held at Lakeview Christian Conference Center in Auburn WA.

More information about the Anglican 4th Day movement, e.g., Sponsorship, Weekend attendance, etc. may be found on the Diocese website

Yours in Christ, 

Members of the A4D Secretariat for the Diocese of Cascadia:

Deacon Cavin Philbin, Don Hansen, Jeff Brown, Kathy Bowers, Ann Herrell, Anne Ni, Bob Neumann, Deacon Rich Roberts and Ex-officio - Bishop Kevin Allen