It has come to the attention that Women and Clergy who attended Anglican Forth Day at the Black Lake Bible Camp in Olympia may have been exposed to the Hanta Virus. The weekend dates attended are: November Thursday 7th through Sunday 10th 2019. Upon arrival at the facility, the A4D team found mouse infestation in the Bear Cafe. Black Lake Bible Camp was informed and sent their maintenance crew for cleanup and sterilization. Mouse residue in the form of aerosol or virus in the air can be connected to Hanta Virus. We do not know if any cleanup by the Camp could have caused any aerosol conditions. We do not know if a Hanta Virus was even present at Harmony Springs.
Hanta Virus effects humans and is considered generally rare in this region. The virus has an incubation of
8 weeks. If any flu like symptoms happen to occur from the Weekend through December 26th, you are to immediately seek medical attention. If you have serious worries, you are to discuss this with your Doctor as well. This virus is not known to travel person to person.
Dr. Chua has advised us to send this notification throughout the Diocesan website. We ask that parish leadership discuss and monitor this issue with their candidates/team.
If all is well, great, let us know! If there is any report of flu-like symptoms, seek medical attention immediately and report this to Dr. Chua right away. Dr. Chua is a Disease specialist located in Eastern Washington. He consults with people from our Diocese who travel overseas. He has asked for this to be posted and monitored.
We ask for your prayers that we do not see any symptoms of the virus and for continued good health to all that attended the Anglican A4D Weekend.